Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I Hate Clothes

Okay, that's a huge lie. I LOVE clothes. Actually "love" is a HUGE understatement when it comes to describing how I feel about clothes. Fashion is just orklkwlgk! I don't even know. How do I even start this? I'm not sure, just work with me here.

...Clothes... FASHION

...Clothes... FASHION

...Clothes... FASHION

They're perfect. They describe you and how you feel. You dress yourself based off of how you're feeling that day and you buy clothes based on your mood too. Never ever ever go shopping while unhappy! Not only will it probably make you even more unhappy (let's face it, we all have bad shopping days - things don't fit right, the colors don't work for you), but you won't have clothes that show off you, who you are when you're at you're happiest. Isn't that the you that you want people to see?

Your style is your first impression. Even the people that don't speak to you that day, the person that passes you on the street, EVERYONE sees your clothes. That's how they judge you right off the bat. I'm not going to lie, I've done it. We all do it. There is absolutely no way around it, unless you're a perfect person and perfect people just do not exist. I hate to break it to you, but if you don't care about your appearance then you should start. You need to be confident with how you look and that starts with how you look. Confidence is key, my lovelies, confidence is key. If you're confident then people will see that and they'll want to talk to you. Trust me. I'm straying though.

Yves Saint Laurent said it best when he said, "Fashion fades, but style is eternal." He got that spot on. Just look at the fashion world, look at how it has evolved. YES, YES, YES! Fashion is FUN! It's perfect, there is no better way to express yourself than through clothes. And you want to know the best part? STYLE. Your style isn't the current trends (if it is, that's okay though - it's YOUR style, embrace it!) So with that, I want to leave you with something to think about and take with you: take your amazing style and work with it, let your personality shine through with the clothes you choose to wear. Take your personal style and go crazy! Be you in everything that you do. 
As a Sex and the City addict, I had to add a picture of these amazing women

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