Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Clemson vs. FSU

Okay, I know it's been a while since I've last posted and I also realize that I've really missed the weekend recap. I'm going to do a weekend recap anyway though because I don't care and I'm still so happy from this weekend. Sorry, the pictures are kind of out of order too. I had an exciting day - I'm going to NYC next month!

This weekend my cousin, Annie, and I traveled down to Clemson, SC for the Clemson/FSU game. We met up with my cousin Alyssa and her husband Renny who live there (Alyssa is graduating from Clemson in December... Eeeep! I'm so happy for her!) and my cousin Beth and her boyfriend Tom came up from Tallahassee, FL. Both Beth and Tom are FSU alums. Beth graduated law school from FSU and I'm not sure when Tom was there, but they're both lawyers. And to top it all off my Aunt Debbie and Uncle Jamie came down from Charlotte, NC which was a nice surprise since they originally couldn't make it. The only one we were missing was Katie (and Billy, but he's too young - next year though)

So we all got in on Friday and since Annie and I got there before everyone else we went to dinner with Alyssa and Renny at 'Asian Bowl' or something and it was good, but our server... not so much. Then Alyssa took us to get Clemson gear since Annie and I are split - Annie's sister is Beth and I have no sisters so I truly didn't know who to root for. Just so we're clear, we sat in the FSU section and I probably looked very confused in my Clemson sweatshirt doing the FSU chants... I don't care though, I had a fabulous time! Once everyone got in we all piled into a car - no really, we had two people on laps, there were five of us in the back seat - and went out for pizza and pool playing and some bar hopping.

L to R: Aunt Debbie, Alyssa, Me, Beth, Annie, Uncle Jamie
SATURDAY!!! Game day, baby! We got started tailgating really late. Okay, I thought we started early, but compared to my uncle it was late. We started at around noon or two, I can't remember and he started at nine in the morning. Seriously, he had already been to five bars before we even got out the door! Haha! It was a riot though. I met some awesome people and it was a great game for FSU - Clemson though...not so much.
Top L to R: Renny, Annie, Me, Beth. Bottom: Alyssa


I know this was long and I didn't share any stories (I truthfully cannot remember any and the ones I can remember should not be shared!)

What did you do this weekend? Did you watch the game or a different one or a million ones?

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